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Ram Reiki

Usui Reiki Level 3(A)

Usui Reiki Level 3(A)

Regular price Rs. 4,799.00
Regular price Rs. 4,999.00 Sale price Rs. 4,799.00
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Usui Reiki Level 3(A) attunement, offered by, is an advanced stage in the practice of Usui Reiki, a Japanese healing technique. This level focuses on further enhancing the practitioner's abilities and deepening their connection with the universal life force energy.

During the Level 3(A) attunement, introduces a new symbol to the practitioner. Symbols are powerful tools in Reiki that assist in channeling energy for specific purposes. This new symbol provided in the attunement enhances the practitioner's ability to harness and direct the healing energy.

Another significant aspect of the Level 3(A) attunement is the activation of the third eye power. The third eye, located between the eyebrows, is associated with intuition, insight, and spiritual awareness. By activating the third eye, practitioners can develop a heightened sense of intuition and access deeper levels of awareness, allowing them to perceive energy and healing needs more profoundly.

Additionally, the Level 3(A) attunement works on making the seven major chakras more powerful than before. Chakras are energy centers within the body, and when they are balanced and energized, they contribute to overall well-being. By receiving the Level 3(A) attunement, practitioners experience an intensified flow of healing energy through their chakras, which helps to cleanse, balance, and strengthen these energy centers. This increased power in the chakras further enhances the practitioner's ability to facilitate healing and promote wellness.

In summary, the Usui Reiki Level 3(A) attunement offered by introduces a new symbol, activates the third eye power, and strengthens the seven major chakras. These elements combine to empower the practitioner with advanced healing abilities, increased intuition, and a deeper connection to the universal life force energy.

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